Grief Hill Day Use Area / Trailhead, Camp Verde
GPS coordinates in Google Maps 34.59782, -111.9468
Rider Check-in 8:30 – 8:45
Ride Start 9:00
BBQ Lunch 11:00 – 12:00 (beverages, hamburgers, brats)
Free to VVCC members
$10 donation accepted from non-members
Riders: Please bring chips, snacks or dessert (VVCC to provide main course and beverages)
Ride maps:
Gravel Short Course: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/48011548, 19 miles, 2000’ e-gain
Gravel Long Course: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/46032108, 30 miles, 3300’ e-gain
Enjoy the wonderfully smooth gravel road surface on a steady gradual climb up to the scenic town of Cherry, between Camp Verde and Cottonwood. This is a local's secret ride, at risk of becoming a new classic.
Take in the grand views of the Verde Valley down below as you navigate the switchbacks up and through the quaint town of Cherry. This ride is not about the destination, but the journey. Rancher King Woolsey built the road in 1864 and charged soldiers and civilians two cents per mile for its use in the old days.
This ride can easily be broken into several groups: faster riders that want to ride all the way over to Hwy 169 (and back), and more social/casual riders that want a shorter ride by turning around near the top of the mountain by the small town of Cherry (or anywhere along the way). Additional groups will likely form depending on your riding speed given the nature of the climb. Ride group leaders and a sweeper will be recruited to assist riders.
This is a true gravel ride, and a gravel bike would work best, however a cyclocross or mountain bike would also work just fine. A road bike is not recommended, despite the paved section on the long course near Hwy 169. Traffic is usually very low. Please do not cut the corners due to the possibility of oncoming traffic. Elevation peaks at 5,500 feet so wear appropriate clothing.
Directions to Ride Start:
From Camp Verde, AZ: Northwest on Hwy 260 to W Cherry Creek Road (2.7 miles north of I-17, same access road as Out of Africa Wildlife Park), head west on W Cherry Creek Road for 2.2 miles, trailhead is on the left. (Note: W Cherry Creek Road is only paved for part of the way to the trailhead, but is accessible to passenger vehicles during dry weather.)
The US Forest Service recently added infrastructure at this trailhead, including two vault toilets, several picnic tables (some are shaded), BBQ grills and a large gravel parking lot. https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/prescott/recreation/ohv/recarea/?recid=67231&actid=50