Over 30 members, VIPs, and guests braved heavy monsoon rain and lightning to attended the VVCC's Annual Meeting held at Redstone Grill in the VOC on July 19th.
VIPs in attendance:
Dave Norton – Treasurer, Big Park Regional Coordinating Council
Randy Garrison – Yavapai County District 3 Supervisor
Tim Eliniski – Cottonwood Mayor
Joe Vernier – Sedona City Councilor and VVCC Member
Forrest Saville – Red Rock Ranger District
Adam Barnett – Red Rock Ranger District

Supervisor Garrison and Mayor Elinski visit with Heather Parris
After the bar was opened but before we served the pizza, members were briefed on the VVCC's FY17 activities and plans for FY18.

VVCC Members and Guests at the FY18 Annual Meeting
After briefing members on the proposed governance documents vote and a discussion period, Doug Copp made the motion to adopt the new Bylaws and Club Rules. The motion was seconded by multiple members. The motion passed unanimously.

From left to right - Linda Harris, Sedona City Councilor/VVCC Member Joe Vernier and Roger Sneed
The 50-50 Raffle netted $100.00 for the VVCC and Member Dave Biermann was the grand prize winner.

Member Don Mathieu discusses a point with Dave Norton
From left to right - VVCC Members Rebecca Ellis, Cody DeLong and John Ellis
Thank you to everyone who attended and created such a special evening.