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January Road Ride News

14 Dec 2023 2:02 PM | Tracy Randall (Administrator)


IF going for a ride and want to use one of the road routes from the website you can open the link on your phone and it will bring up the route. However, in order to “navigate” from the opened route you will have to have a subscription with RidewGPS. By “navigate”  I mean voice turn by turn guidance and written turn by turn instructions. If you do not have a subscription (at least at the “Basic” leve) you can still navigate using the map but you will have to zoom into it to get the road names at the various intersections where you will be turning to stay on route. This can obviously complicate your ability to stay on route.

RidewGPS has a “club membership” that would allow recognized members to be able to use all the “navigation” benefits of these RidewGPS created maps. The Road Riding Committee is exploring if this might be something the VVCC might want to look into if the road riding membership thinks it would be of use. 


The Road Committee has created a laminated card to hand out to participants at our various rides. 

The biking guidelines are as follows: 

  • Go with the traffic flow and stay as far to the right as safety allows
  • Ride single file when cars are behind or can ride two abreast when no traffic
  • Obey all traffic laws-a bicycle is vehicle and you are a driver
  • Yield to traffic when appropriate. No earbuds or aerobats
  • Be predictable - Call out your intentions and use hand signals. Pass on the left-not on the right
  • Call out objects/obstructions and when passing, slowing or stopping
  • Call out cars ahead, behind. 
  • Watch those car doors 
  • Wear a helmet and use front and rear lights 
  • Expect other riders to call you out IF you don’t follow these safety guidelines

Wide debris free shoulders and tailwinds- Jim Graham, Road Riding Committee

The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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