Subaru-IMBA Trail Care Crew: Cottonwood, AZ
Great news the Trail Care Crew is coming to Dead Horse State Park February 21st to the 24th. VVCC applied jointly with the the RRRD and will be working on the new Lower Bones Trail. Come join in the fun! Also any city, gov and forest folk from Verde Valley cities/agencies are urged to come to the presentations and trail building to learn the value of better trails.
The Subaru/IMBA Trail Care Crew, on the road since 1997, is IMBA's grassroots educational program and an authority on sustainable trail building practices. Two teams of professional trail experts travel year-round throughout the United States and beyond, leading trail work sessions, meeting with land managers and working with IMBA-affiliated clubs and the communities they serve to improve mountain biking opportunities. The Trail Care Crew program has inspired great volunteer trail work across the U.S. and abroad - a big help to government agencies and land managers who have limited funding for trail construction and upkeep. As a direct result, there are now thousands of new and improved trails in all 50 states, Canada, Mexico and several European countries.