You can help the VVCC continue to advance its mission to improve the bicycling environment, facilities, quality of life in the Verde Valley. VVCC needs and welcomes the enthusiastic participation of its Members on the Board of Directors.
Here are some of the main functions of a VVCC Board member: oversee the direction and management of the club, lead specific committees, recruit new members, ensure a solid, balanced budget, contribute to the club's financial success, and represent VVCC Members. The VVCC's Board of Directors is an active board that makes a difference.
Those who are elected to the Board will serve a 3-year term (2017-2019).
Submit a statement of interest to membership@vvcc.us by June 10th. Use "Board Nomination" as the subject line of your e-mail message. Your statement of interest should include the following three headings and describe:
(1) your qualifications
(2) what you would bring to the board
(3) your vision for the VVCC.