On November 1st, VVCC members Rich Leever, Kevin Adams, Randy Young and Mark Evans delivered 28 Trek Roscoe 24s and Bontrager helmets to four Verde Valley Elementary School Bikes4Kids Program participants.

The Trek Roscoe 24s are equipped with disc brakes for excellent stopping power and simple 1X drivetrains with multiple rear gears which make shifting simpler. Rolling on 24x2.8" wide tires, the bikes are super stable and provide an incredible introduction to mountain biking. All bikes are proved at no charge to the schools.
Over 65% of the students in Verde Valley elementary schools receive either free or reduced price lunches under the National School Lunch Program and do not have access to a bicycle. We're working to change that!
Each of these four schools have a mountain bike club of students in grades 5-8 coached by VVCC members. We teach the students bike safety, basic maintenance, and more importantly, we ride with them after school several times a week.
The Verde Valley Bicycle Company (VVBC) in Cottonwood, AZ provided the bikes/helmet/tubes to our program at their cost and donated the time required to assemble the bikes. Trek gave them special pricing for these bikes which further stretched the Program's dollars.
Participating Schools
Oak Creek Elementary School in Cornville, AZ received 8 bikes
Beaver Creek Elementary School in Rimrock, AZ received 9 bikes
Cottonwood Community School in Cottonwood, AZ received 7 bikes
Dr. Daniel Bright Elementary School in Cottonwood, AZ received 7 bikes
Generous grants from the Arizona Community Foundation Yavapai County and the Sports Fund of Arizona made Thursday's deliveries possible.