When the Festival gates were open at 9AM every morning, riders were rushing to 1) Buy Raffle Tickets or 2) Get their demo bikes?
When 8+ inches of snow fell on February 21-22, the prospects of a having a 2019 Sedona MTB Festival were bleak. But where Mother Nature giveth, she also takes away as the temperatures warmed, the Forest Service gave the go ahead and the Festival began on time!

Leading up to the Festival, the VVCC partnered with the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund on a combined raffle with ticket sales online during the month of February and onsite at the Festival. The raffle alone raised over $16,000 with the Giant bike giveaway a big draw.

Beer token sales and tips generated another ~$4,300 in trail contributions.

Exhibitors also got in the act with 510 selling hats to benefit our trails and Bike Magazine sponsoring Saturday night's film showing with those combined proceeds - ~$2,000 - all going to the trails.

VVCC VP Dan Blaettler (L) and Prez Marty Glinsky (R) looking pleased at the Festival's fundraising results are being tallied
A very successful Sedona MTB Festival is now in the books. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and/or purchased raffle tickets.