A Letter from VVCC President Marty Glinsky
Dear VVCC Members and Friendsl
As you should know by now, the VVCC celebrated its 15th anniversary this past fiscal year. Instead of reviewing all the history, which can be found on the news pages of our website (authored by our webmaster, treasurer and historian, Kevin Adams), I’ve shined-up my crystal ball and want to share with you my vision of the future…the next 15 years.
Youth Program Front - the Next 15 Years
Our involvement with student programs, serving all Verde Valley Elementary, Middle and High Schools continues, as the program grows significantly from its beginnings. We have expanded the program to encompass both middle schools and high schools. We have also helped expand the local National Interscholastic Cycling Program (NICA) by supplying additional coaches, support funds and bicycles. We envision having over 200 students supported each year by our program.
Bike Safety and Facilities Front - the Next 15 Years
The Road Bike Advocacy Committee and Doug Copp helped both Cottonwood and Sedona achieve “Gold” status from the League of American Cyclists, two of approximately 35 communities across the country earning this status. The road bikers coordinate over 350 rides for locals and visitors each year.
Red Rock Mountain Bike Patrol Front - the Next 15 Years
The RRMTB Patrol, with 75 members, will volunteer over 8,000 hours of patrol, which includes trail-work days, school coaching and other volunteer work.
Advocacy Front - the Next 15 Years
MTB…entire Verde Valley concentration vs Sedona centric.
E-bikes…they’re here to stay and legal on trails.
Staff and Fundraising Front - the Next 15 Years
Paid staff includes: Executive Director, Fundraising Grant Coordinator, Youth Program Coach Recruitment/Training Coordinator, Office Manager (Sedona Trail Maintenance Endowment support for the SRRTF).
Events Front - the Next 15 Years
We're continuing to offer at least three free member events per year.
Finally, if you think back a few years ago when the VVCC had 65 members and a $2,000 or so annual budget and predicted that in just under 3 years, it would have 1) a youth program that has distributed over 100 new mountain bikes to 7 Verde Valley Elementary Schools and select students who earned them; 2) a 35+ member bike patrol as roaming mountain bike ambassadors on the trails; convinced ADOT to take over sweeping responsibilities for SR179; raised over $70,000 for building the Western Gateway; a $200,000+ annual budget and over 280 members, most would question that prognosticator's sanity.
Yet, that's exactly what happened because VVCC members invested their time, talent and treasure "to improve the bicycling environment and quality of life in the Verde Valley." Where we will be 15 years from now depends on the next generation of VVCC members who dare to dream big and possess the capacity to execute to those dreams.
What an exciting opportunity! I can't wait.
THANKS to everyone for being part of this effort.