Mescal Trailhead Approved for Funding
Click here for the site plan.
According to the Design Narrative, the development and construction of a trailhead and day use site at the obsolete "burrow" pit off Dry Creek Road just to the south of Dry Creek includes:
- a parking lot for a minimum of 40 spaces, including 2 oversized vehicles, and 2 accessible spaces. No horse trailer parking will be provided as this is available at Fay Trailhead. Site parking will be allocated entirely to small and medium vehicles and transit, in order to maximize trail user capacity.
- a through route in the parking area to allow for visitors to circulate through the site to choose a parking space.
- a large turnout space with capacity to accommodate a trolley or small transit shuttle will be accommodated, for future alternative transit.
- toilet facilities with outdoor recreation accessible routes that connect to the parking lot.
- a kiosk on site which provides interpretive information on wilderness, land ethics, and orientation. Orient this kiosk to avoid wear and tear from sun exposure.
- strategic fencing around the site to control people and vehicles from accessing undesignated areas. Using native materials, specifically the fencing design that incorporates split juniper and 4-strand smooth wire fencing.
- access to viewing locations as indicated on site plan.
- separate pedestrian and vehicular use with access routes designed for pedestrian use only.
- a closure gate to enable closure as necessary.
- connecting the trailhead parking to non-motorized trails.
- materials that maintain the natural character of the site, which are derived from native sources, are natural-appearing, and maintain the rustic natural character of the site.
- year-round use.
- picnic tables.
- all amenities required by Federal Land Recreation Enhancement Act.
This site is not intended to have specific features for weddings or jeep tours.
Project NEPA was completed in 2015.