Did You Know?
By: Kevin Adams
President, Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund
Treasurer, Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition

Many VVCCers in the know, know that the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival attracts shedders, spouses, and other assorted characters to Sedona for an extended weekend in March each year and that the Festival is the largest single VVCC annual fundraiser. The past two years, the VVCC and Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) collaborated on a joint raffle culminating at the. But did you know what role Festival organizer and VVCC sponsor Mike Raney does to help make the VVCC/SRRTF festival fund raising a success?

Mike works with Festival sponsors to provide raffle items and to do their own local trail fundraising at their booths with the SRRTF as the recipient of the latter. Mike also provides premium tent space to both the VVCC and SRRTF at no charge to sell raffle tickets at the event. Mike also turns down dozens of non-profits each year coveting the opportunity to raise funds through the Festival's beer sales, instead setting aside that lucrative opportunity exclusively to the VVCC.
In 2019, Mike's generosity permitted the VVCC/SRRTF team to raise $24,000 over the three day Festival. This year's combine VVCC/SRRTF Festival proceeds were $26,251.75.
Yes, that's right, over the last two years, the Festival has raised over $50,000 for local trail maintenance and enhancements. And, Mike Raney makes it all possible!
The SRRTF will use the $15,222.00 of this year's combined raffle proceeds for maintenance and enhancements of the non-motorized trails near Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek. The VVCC will use the $11,251.75 in beer/tip proceeds on hiring AZ Conservation Corps youth program workers on Phase 2 of the ~29 mile Blowout Wash Trail System in Cottonwood beginning this fall.

Mike is the co-owner of Over the Edge Sports in Sedona. When you get a minute, please stop by the shop and let Mike know just how appreciative you are for what he's doing for our trails. Better yet, buy something or a gift certificate and take advantage of specials he offers exclusively to VVCC members.
Thank you Mike!