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  • 16 Sep 2019 3:24 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The Cottonwood OWLS were busy on Saturday September 14th as a group of 8 OWLS rode the Pedal the Petrified Ride Metric Century. 

    Cottonwood OWLS Metric Centurions Bob Richards, Andy Bailey, Mike Owen, Jim Graham, Kristen & Pete Gangl and Mark Luffman less photographer Larry Grubisich.

  • 16 Aug 2019 7:15 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC members Sam and Athena Harris are a pair of well known hybrids navigating their way in a land of conformity. Their adventures have been chronicled in the 2019 book - A Pair of Sedona Miracles - by VVCC members Mike and Linda Harris. Five years earlier, Sam Harris was the subject of his own crime drama book - The Returning - by Mike Harris.

    We recently caught up with Sam and Athena in an undisclosed location.

    Sam and Athena, can you please tell us about your humans?

    Both: Our human caregivers are unique in that they give us the respect and admiration our wild side demands, and allow us to have the freedom and flexibility we need in order to adapt to the human lifestyle.

    They took us from the confines of The Shelter and provide everything we need or could possibly desire. We guess we will keep them for now.

    Why do you like mountain biking?

    Both: The two-wheeled mechanical conveyances humans enjoy are ideal in that they allow humans to join us in the land of Sedona at a speed nearly that of our normal capabilities.

    What tastes better - rabbit, coyote, deer, rattlesnake or javelina?

    Both: Yes to all of the above. Everything tastes exactly like chicken to us, except coyote and javelina. Avoid rabbit in any month which does not possess an “R”.

    What's your favorite local trail?

    Sam: You do not know it, and it would be impossible for you to navigate as a biped. It can be found by air if you look down at the earth beyond Submarine Rock in a south easterly direction.

    Athena: Turkey Wing, because that is where Kevin decided to let me go and I didn’t come back for 3 hours.

    Have you ever ridden a mountain bike?

    Sam: Of course.

    Athena: Not gonna happen.

    When you're not with your human, what do you do for entertainment?

    Sam: Hop over the wall, enter the golf course, swim in the water and chase coyotes and rabbits until dinnertime.

    Athena: Chew up anything not tied down because they had the audacity to leave me home alone.

    What's your favorite potent potable?

    Both: Leftover margaritas and occasionally Reds hard apple cider.


  • 14 Aug 2019 9:45 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    At the August 9th Philanthropic Awards Luncheon at the Prescott Resort, hosted by the Arizona Community Foundation - Yavapai County, the Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition was one of five Shining Star recipients. ACF Shining Stars are recognized annual for their transformative work in the community.

    VVCC Treasurer, Kevin Adams, attended the luncheon which required each Shining Star to give a two minute presentation of their program to the approximately 400 in attendance. Up for grabs was $300/table from the Arizona Community Foundation and any individual contributions from attendees.

    Yesterday, Lisa Sahady of ACF-Yavapai County informed the VVCC that it will be receiving $9,100.00 from the luncheon. These proceeds will go to the Verde Valley Bikes For Kids Program which plans to distribute 100 new Trek bicycles to students at all 8 Verde Valley elementary schools in the spring of 2020. 

  • 11 Aug 2019 4:36 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    On Thursday August 8th, VVCC Director and grant writer, Marlene Macek, received notificaiton from Wells Fargo that our Bikes for Kids program was awarded a grant in the amount of $2,000.

    The grant will be used to expand the program's after school bike club to the 7th and 8th grades at Oak Creek Elementary Schoool in Cornville.

  • 30 Jul 2019 2:34 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Sedona Beer Company opened its brick and motor establishment at 465 Jordan Road in Uptown in August 2018 with owners Kali and Mac behind the bar pouring beer. 

    Since opening its doors last August, Sedona Beer Co. has focused on bringing Sedona handcrafted beer and food using locally sourced barley, and sustainable practices. The first year of operations has been marked by many successful milestones 25 varieties of beer, been certified as a silver level sustainable business, and committed to utilizing Sinagua Malt as all of its base barley.

    On the extended weekend of their first anniversary starting this Thursday August 1st and running through Monday August 5th, Sedona Beer Co will be raising money for local groups they know are doing important work. One being the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund.  If the Sedona Beer Company reaches its fundraising goal of $500 over the weekend, bartender Kenny will also be shaving his face as an incentive.

    On Saturday evening August 3rd, Sedona Beer Company will host its big birthday party with live music and special beers.

    Head out to the Sedona Beer Company this weekend and support local trails!

  • 22 Jul 2019 12:01 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    We recently caught up with Marlene at Firecreek Coffer in the VOC.

    Can you please tell us a little about your background?

    I lived in California most of my life. I went to San Jose State University and graduated with a BS in Business, Accounting concentration. Passed the CPA exam in 1987 and worked for various accounting firms and high tech companies. My last job was working for Google in their tax department where I headed up their sales, use and property tax department.

    I love mountain biking and have been doing that for 6 years. Prior to that, I danced salsa with a top dance company in San Francisco. I also enjoy surfing, hiking, scuba diving, snowboarding, skiing and doing my artwork.

    I am passionate about the environment and our wildlife here. Getting involved in our community (VOC) is important to me.

    What brought you to the Verde Valley?

    Retirement! And an escape from the crowds of California. My parents live in Tucson and I wanted to be closer to them. Tucson is too hot in the summer but Sedona provides cooler temperatures and of course, world class mountain biking. I made a visit to Sedona in the spring of 2017 and immediately fell in love with the red rocks. I was hooked!

    How many bikes do you own and what brand/model are they?

    I currently own 2 mountain bikes, both are the Santa Cruz brand, Superlight and Bronson. I purchased the Bronson at the Santa Cruz factory store when I lived in California. I felt like a kid in a candy shop many awesome bikes!

    Where’s your favorite place(s) to ride?

    Besides Sedona, I do miss the coast of California and the Wilder Ranch trails. Riding along the coastline cliffs is amazing. I also miss the redwoods especially the El Corte Madera trails. Great trails, lots of shade for the summer and some soul crushing climbs!

    Where’s the strangest place you have ridden?

    In a gravel pit at the Baylands in California. The pit had soft dirt and was a great place to learn mountain biking skills.

    What are your VVCC Director roles?

    I currently chair the Nomination and Marketing/Fundraising committees.

    If you had a magic wand, what would you change about the riding scene in Sedona?

    I would like to see more beginner trails that would be suitable for people who are just learning how to mountain bike.

    What’s going to be happening with this year’s VVCC Board Director elections?

    Elections are conducted in accordance with our bylaws and club rules by the nomination committee of which I currently chair. We have 4 candidates up for re-election for this year’s Board elections. There are no open Board positions this year.

    All 4 incumbents are believed to be the best for the organization. Leadership ability, good judgment, commitment to organization, ability to work with others and board experience are important qualities that each incumbent has demonstrated.

  • 19 Jul 2019 6:08 AM | Irwin Sheer

    The city of Sedona is looking for input from cyclist in order to develop a master plan regarding the implementation of future multi-use urban trails. I have been serving on a citizen based advisory group for several months and we have gotten to the point in the process were we would like to get input from the public. I have been specifically asked reach out to members of the VVCC. Please see the press release at:

    and note that the map will only be open for input until the 10th of August.

    -> Irwin

  • 10 Jul 2019 7:35 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Most recent $24,473.76 grant represents VVCC fundraising efforts through donations, events and grants. Funds will be used exclusive for Western Gateway construction this fall and winter.

    "In total, the VVCC exceeded its $75,000 Western Gateway fundraising goal" stated VVCC President Marty Glinsky. "This most recent grant, along with previous Western Gateway grants to the SRRTF totaling $49,633.33 and the direct purchase of Western Gateway signage material delivered to the RRRD ($3,589.10), means the VVCC has raised $77,696.19 for the Western Gateway" Glinsky added.

    The Western Gateway is a 27+ mile multi-use trail system on National Forest land in West Sedona near the defunct Cultural Center. The Western Gateway is entirely community funded. "The VVCC's fundraising efforts have been amazing" stated Kevin Adams, SRRTF President. "The VVCC is our largest single Western Gateway Fundraising source" added Adams.

    A huge thank you to all VVCC members, supporters and sponsors who made this success possible!

  • 21 Jun 2019 5:00 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    When my wife forwarded the Nextdoor Verde Valley School Road post with the above headline, I immediately secured a copy of the latest Red Rock News to get the details. Turns out the Nextdoor headline was not indicative of the article's news, but the news is important to every Verde Valley outdoor enthusiast.

    The Forest Service is proposing new rules with NEPA that when finalized should be a welcome addition to anyone who has had to deal with the Forest Service bureaucracy. Combined with the upcoming personnel changes at the Red Rock Ranger District, the way the VVCC works with the Forest Service will change.

    "We highly recommend that anyone who loves the National Forest become familiar with the new rules" VVCC President Marty Glinsky stated.

    As one commenter on stated: "this is way overdue. The FS has had opportunity in the past make positive changes in implementing management of the National Forest system and has refused to move forward with this due to internal opposition and refusal to change. Mostly at the top leadership level...Move forward immediately to process this change. You have direction and orders from the top of Agriculture. No more constant planning, you have the plans, now move forward and get it done. thank you."

    A FAQ of the proposed new rules can be found by clicking here.

    You can comment and review comments on the proposed new rules by clicking here.

    The Red Rock News Article is posted below.

  • 18 Jun 2019 4:13 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    We recently caught up with Denis Mahoney at the Verde Valley Bicycle Company after their Saturday morning ride...

    What attracted you to the Verde Valley?

    Mountain biking, mountain biking, mountain biking and hiking!

    Carol and I were sitting around Seattle in the rain talking about where to retire. We moved to Seattle from Colorado and had always wanted to get back to the southwest. So after a camping trip to the Sedona area and liking it and some friends buying a place in Cottonwood here we are. The bottom line though is probably biking and hiking.

    What's the most unusual job you've held and why?

    I worked for a large cemetery for 17 years and ran their small cemetery for 13 of those years. Most people think that's an unusual job but for me it was a great way to work outside. I did a lot of landscaping which I liked. Sometimes it was hard to get a extra day off. The joke was I could get the day off if nobody died.

    What made you decide to become a newly wed?

    Carol and I had been together for almost 35 years so it wasn’t like we needed anyone to tell us it was ok. But you know how it goes with rules. My health insurance was better than Carol’s so to get her on mine we needed to be married. And with all the mountain biking we’re doing its seemed like a good idea to have good insurance.

    What's your favorite local ride and why?

    My favorite local ride would have to be Dead Horse Ranch State Park. One reason is because it's close enough I can ride from my house. But all in all it's got some really good trails. A little of everything, single track, rocky tech, ledgy drop-offs. Riding there as much as we do has really helped me improve.

    What don't you want others to know about you?

    Ah a trick question. Of course if its something I don’t want others to know I’m not telling!

    But one thing would be how much work it took to photoshop and crop the picture Kevin took of me right after we finished a ride.

    Original photo of Denis after our ride...

    Photoshopped and cropped photo of Denis.

The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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