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  • 17 Apr 2019 7:50 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Randy Young was recently elected by the VVCC Board to fill the unexpired term of Don Mathieu who resigned recently. We caught up with Randy via email to find out more about him.

    Randy, in your profile on the VVCC Director's webpage, you stated that cycling played an important role in your youth. Would you care to expand upon that?

    Cycling played a huge role in my life while growing up and continues to do so. Bikes were a way to get places, explore and represented freedom. Fair play that the cutest neighbour a fella could have growing up just so happened to be a very talented MTB rider. In youth, one can't find greater inspiration to ride than trying to keep up with a ponytail belonging to a classmate they have a crush on. As I got a little older I discovered road cycling and was hooked. My wife and I met cycling, so it is easy to say cycling has had a huge impact on my life. Without it I may have missed out on knowing the best person in the whole world. 

    How long have you lived in the Verde Valley?

    I have lived in the Verde Valley most of my life besides some brief moments of exploration and adventure. 

    Besides bicycling, what do you like to do for fun?

    Whisping a fly-line over head and gently landing a hand tied insect on a waterways shimmering surface has a special place in my heart. Besides fly-fishing and tying flies, more a hobby of my youth, I also enjoy music. My wife Emma and I really enjoy traveling, though that almost always involves cycling in one form or another. Having a beer after a ride with fellow riders is a fairly good time. Basically most of all,I like bikes. 

    Favorite Food?

     am quite a food fan, my favourite food being any creamy pasta dish unless sweets count and then it is cheesecake for the win. 


    Any quality Flanders Red, a beer slightly less sour than Gose. They are fairly hard to find as they are aged and don't bottle or sustain well. Wonderlust out of Flag makes a great one. I also like Belgium's, Porters, Ambers, Sours and IPA. 


    My favourite bike is definitely whichever one I am riding at the moment. For most occasions of trail riding the Trek Fuel Ex performs spot on. Fastest road bike I have ever ridden is my Trek Emonda and for me a road being fast is a huge factor. All that said single speed is really my thing and the only bike out of my stable that I wouldn't sell is a Canfield Nimble 9 setup XT with a 30:17 gear. 


    Favourite colour is green. 

    Where was your last trip to? Where's your next trip going?

    Emma and I last adventured to Wales in the UK. We combined bike parks with a road trip along the Welsh coast. A beautiful country with amazing hospitality and splendid places to cycle, we would definitely go back! 

    In late May of this year we plan to fly to Ireland, hop on bikes and tour. Keeping it laid back we don't have a solid plan. Just ride and explore for a couple weeks. If we like a town or attraction stay a spell. 

    What type of impact would you like to make on the VVCC Board?

    The Verde Valley Cyclist Coalition has a lot of great things going on at the moment. Be it trail projects or Verde Valley Bikes for Kids there is a lot to be excited and passionate about. As for impact, my goal as a board member is to help wherever needed. Being a bike commuter, MTB rider and roadie I hope to represent all types of cycling well and assist the VVCC in all advocacy. As a member of the Bicycle Advisory Committee to the City of Cottonwood, safe cycling on the roadways for commuters and and recreational riders alike is very important to me. I am very excited to be accepted to the VVCC Board and am looking forward to seeing where I can help out the most. 

  • 5 Apr 2019 9:37 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Over 70 students who participate in the Verde Valley Bikes for Kids after school bike clubs from seven Verde Valley public elementary schools shredded the Sedona Bike Park this afternoon.

    Students were joined by coaches, teachers, parents, school administrators and onlookers.

    Participating schools included: Beaver Creek Elementary; Camp Verde Elementary; Cottonwood Community; Dr. Daniel Bright; Mountain View Academy; Oak Creek Elementary and West Sedona Elementary.

    Originally conceived by VVCC road cyclist, Rich Leaver, the Verde Valley Bikes for Kids serves students in the above schools. In addition to after school bike club rides, the program will give away 32 bikes this year to students who have exceeded school requirements for grades, attendance, conduct and citizenship.

    A great day at the bike park!

  • 31 Mar 2019 3:53 PM | Deleted user

    A great time at the spring picnic today. Thanks to all that participated and donated!

  • 21 Mar 2019 12:44 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC Sponsor Dave Biermann standing next to the Bike Repair Station he installed at Yavapai Vista

    Inspired by a trip to her hometown in Ohio, Sedona Chamber President and VVCC sponsor, Jennifer Wesselhoff, led the effort to get six bike repair stations installed at the following locations:

    City Bike Park

    Adobe Jack


    Bell Rock

    Yavapai Vista

    Fay Canyon (installation coming soon)

    A huge thank you to the Bike Repair Stations sponsors:

    Over the Edge

    Rick Wesselhoff, Coldwell Banker

    Red Agave

    Biermann Construction (installing the stations for us)

    Enchantment Resort

    Chamber of Commerce & Tourism Bureau

    Verde Valley Cyclists Coalition

    And the City of Sedona

    The Red Rock Bike Patrol will manage maintenance of the stations.

    Thank you, too, to the Red Rock Ranger District for allowing us to do this!

  • 17 Mar 2019 4:29 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    We recently caught up with Dora after the St. Paddy's Day VOC ride at PJs. Here's what she had to say...

    How long have you lived in the VOC?

    - I have been in VOC for 6 ½ months now

    Where did you move here from?

    - Anchorage, AK

    Where were you born?

    - Belo Horizonte, MG, Brazil

    Tell us about your family...

    - I have been married for a third of the century to Mr. Bob and have 2 sons, one lives in Anchorage, who works in Telecommunications, loves to fly and be outdoors and the other one lives in Flagstaff, working at the Snowbowl and going to school.

    What do you like about the VVCC?

    - I really enjoy the group for their participation in maintaining and patrolling the trails systems, giving back to the community and the friendship that they have given to both my husband and I.

    What do you not like about the VVCC?

    - There are too many older people than me that kicks my butt on the trail 

    Who has a stronger accent, Arianna Huffington or you?

    - Must be her, because I have a perfect American Accent

  • 6 Mar 2019 3:13 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC and SRRTF's Presidents, Marty Glinsky and Kevin Adams, discussed the VVCC and SRRTF's activities at today's OLLI Lunch and Learn. After the event, OLLI Facilitator, Dr. Paul Friedman, sent the following:

    "I was delighted to see that your L&L session was of such widespread interest that it attracted a roomful of people--and they were so intrigued by what you had to say that many stayed late to chat with you.

    It was remarkably informative and engaging.  I had no idea that the VVCC has grown so much and has such a wide range of activities, or that the VVTF has made such big strides in its fund-raising efforts."

    The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute in Verde Valley and Sedona is a self-directed membership organization within Yavapai College. It has been created to meet the needs and interests of retirement-age people. The Institute recognizes the unique experiences and capabilities of its members by emphasizing and encouraging peer learning, member participation, collaborative leadership and social interaction. Lively discussions, plus experiential opportunities in personal growth, cultural and environmental explorations provide members a rich, continuing educational experience.

  • 4 Mar 2019 9:35 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    When the Festival gates were open at 9AM every morning, riders were rushing to 1) Buy Raffle Tickets or 2) Get their demo bikes?

    When 8+ inches of snow fell on February 21-22, the prospects of a having a 2019 Sedona MTB Festival were bleak. But where Mother Nature giveth, she also takes away as the temperatures warmed, the Forest Service gave the go ahead and the Festival began on time!

    Leading up to the Festival, the VVCC partnered with the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund on a combined raffle with ticket sales online during the month of February and onsite at the Festival. The raffle alone raised over $16,000 with the Giant bike giveaway a big draw.

    Beer token sales and tips generated another ~$4,300 in trail contributions.

    Exhibitors also got in the act with 510 selling hats to benefit our trails and Bike Magazine sponsoring Saturday night's film showing with those combined proceeds - ~$2,000 -  all going to the trails.

    VVCC VP Dan Blaettler (L) and Prez Marty Glinsky (R) looking pleased at the Festival's fundraising results are being tallied

    A very successful Sedona MTB Festival is now in the books. Thank you to everyone who participated, volunteered, and/or purchased raffle tickets.

  • 28 Feb 2019 6:04 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    From left to right - Sedona Mayor Sandy Moriarity, SRRTF President/VVCC Treasurer Kevin Adams, Sedona Chamber President Jennifer Wesselhoff, SRRTF Director Scott McFeely, SRRTF Treasurer Liz Sweeney, Sedona Chamber Immediate Past Chairman Lonnie Little, Sedona Chamber Chairman and SRRTF Board Member Stephanie Giesbrecht and Chamber Director Mike Herman

    At a ceremony today celebrating a partnership geared towards Sedona's trail maintenance, sustainability and expansion the Sedona Chamber of Commerce presented $100,000 to the SRRTF. This contribution was made possible through the Sedona Trail Keepers - 35 local businesses that contribute $1,000 annually for trail maintenance that is matched by the Chamber thru the bed tax. Additionally, $30,000 is earmarked to Western Gateway construction.

  • 27 Feb 2019 5:05 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The VVCC has been working closely with the Sedona MTB Festival organizers and the Red Rock Ranger District, Coconino National Forest, on a plan to maximize Festival attendees’ trail experience and minimize trail impact as a result of last week’s snowfall. 

    The Festival shuttle drivers will only take registered riders to trail heads where trail conditions support mountain bike use. There will be a large trail status board at the Festival - similar to those at ski resorts – providing up to date trail conditions. The Red Rock Bike Patrol will also be placing recommended closure signs at certain trailheads, if determined to be necessary by the RRRD prior to the festival. 

    At check in, riders will be advised of trail status and reminded of the following information daily:

    Respect your local trail builders and be a good steward of the physical environment. Keep singletrack single by staying on the trail. Practice Leave No Trace principles. Do not ride muddy trails because it causes rutting, widening and maintenance headaches. Ride through standing water, not around it. Ride (or walk) technical features, 

    Riders who have a specific trail in mind they want to ride will be encouraged to ask at the registration booth, the Forest Service booth, or in the shuttle pit for advice on current conditions.

    There will be plenty to do at the Sedona Mountain Bike Festival even if some trails are wet. There is live music everyday, a killer beer garden, food trucks and one of the largest expos at any festival. 

    Thank you,

    VVCC Board

  • 26 Feb 2019 7:41 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Anyone know when/where this was published?


The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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