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  • 6 Oct 2018 10:42 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The Red Rock Ranger District has announced the trail work day schedule for November and December 2018. In total there are seven work days scheduled, six on the Western Gateway in West Sedona and one workday on Transcept in the Village of Oak Creek.

    The Western Gateway workdays are sponsored by REI and the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund. The Transcept workday is sponsored by the VVCC. Rumor is that Lagunitas Brewery will also be providing refreshments après.

    Date  Trail Sponsor
    11/8/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas
    11/10/18 Transcept VVCC/Lagunitas
    11/17/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas
    11/29/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas
    12/6/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas
    12/15/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas
    12/20/18 Western Gateway SRRTF/REI/Lagunitas

    Once we have the locations, we'll set these workdays up as events.

  • 30 Sep 2018 7:29 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    According to VVCC Member Rhett Atkinson, "great time at the VVCC annual picnic.  It seemed well attended, guessing ~50 people there.  Food was good, company great.  Perfect day, although it was beginning to warm up as the rides were ending."

    Grand prize winner of the Hollywood Racks bike rack were Patti and Dennis Wyman pictured below.

    The day started with free admission to Dead Horse State Park and road/mountain bike rides. After the rides, VVCC Board Member (and master griller) Paul Hallinan presented the VVCC's mission, board election results and accomplishments from the fiscal year ended June 30, 2018 to the attendees.

    The raffle raised $325. Thanks to members' generosity, raffle proceeds at our "free" events help ensure that 1) the VVCC is able to produce "free" events and 2) our sponsors and potential sponsors continue to support the VVCC by providing raffle items and free beer to entice members to consider their offering. Thank you to Hollywood Racks, Lagunitas and all our sponsors in helping us produce these events. Details on how the VVCC uses raffle funds can be found on the Financial Information section on the VVCC's website.  

  • 29 Sep 2018 7:55 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    VVCC President Marty Glinsky

    Unfortunately, we failed to catch up with Marty due to travel schedules. Marty was traveling between Syracuse (50th high school reunion), Boston to see family and Tucson watching his great nephew, the QB, lead the USC Trojans to a win over AZ. Meanwhile, the grand inquisitor who selects these victims each month as well as the questions, is currently in Eastern Europe making a bid to become a modern day czar. So, we thought you might enjoy this picture of Marty (he's the one on the left) instead of reading his drivel.

  • 28 Sep 2018 6:24 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    Nominated by the VVCC, the Sedona Community wins the inaugural Power of Partnership Award from the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA).

    This award recognizes local organizations and volunteers who work tirelessly to make the most of mountain biking. The Sedona Community is being recognized for the partnerships and cooperation between the City of Sedona, Chamber of Commerce, Friends of the Forest, Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund, the 35 local businesses who make up Trail Keepers, local citizens, and the VVCC with the Red Rock Ranger District working to maintain and enhance the non-motorized trail system near Sedona and the Village of Oak Creek.

    The VVCC will accept the award on behalf of the Sedona Community at an award ceremony during IMBA’s 30th anniversary party in Bentonville, Arkansas on Saturday, October 27.

  • 20 Sep 2018 2:43 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    In conjunction with the VVCC Board Election, we asked members views on three items: e-Bikes included in the VVCC's Mission; Wilderness Bike Access and Premium Memberships.

    56.1% of respondents said that e-Bikes should be included in the VVCC's mission. 21.1% of respondents said No; 15.8% of respondents said they don't know while 7.0% of respondents had no opinion.

    As to Wilderness bike access, 68.4% of respondents were generally in favor with some nuance. 17.5% of respondents said Yes; 40.4% of respondents were in favor on trails evaluated and approve by the land manager and 10.5% of respondents were in favor only on new Wilderness declarations where  existing bike access would be eliminated. 28.1% of respondents were not in favor of Wilderness bike access while 3.5% of respondents indicated they were road bikers and had no opinion.

    Enough member respondents indicated that they would support Premium Memberships to warrant the discussion with the Membership Committee. 26.3% of respondents indicated they would support a $100 Premium Membership level w/socks supporting Western Gateway (15/8%) and Bikes4Kids (10.5%). 8.8% of respondents indicated they would support a $1,000 Premium Membership level w/Jersey supporting Bikes4Kids (5.3%) and Western Gateway (3.5%). If the Membership Committee decides to launch Premium Memberships, we'll let all members know.

    A huge thank you to each member who took the time to vote on the board election and answer the three item questions.

  • 16 Sep 2018 2:37 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The polls closed yesterday and the results are final. Congratulations to Bill Jackson, Lars Romig, Paul Hallinan and Marlene Macek for their election to the VVCC Board for a three year term.

    We had 150% voter increase over last year which may make this year's election the highest on record. Here's the ballot totals:

    Bill Jackson                   96.5%

    Lars Romig                    94.7%

    Paul Hallinan                 91.2%

    Marlene Macek             91.2%

  • 5 Sep 2018 2:38 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The VVCC was recently notified by Wells Fargo - Arizona Community Relations that it was approved for a grant in the amount of $2,000.00 to support Verde Valley Bikes for Kids. The funds will be received in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

    Verde Valley Bikes for Kids provides bikes for mountain bike clubs in both Cottonwood Elementary Schools as well as Oak Creek Elementary School in Cornville and Beaver Creek Elementary School in Beaver Creek. Additionally, Verde Valley Bikes for Kids 

    • will provide new bikes to Verde Valley students who exceeds grade, attendance, conduct and citizenship standards in the above schools and West Sedona Elementary School next spring;
    • Provide free kids bike helmets to attendees at the Sedona Celebration of Spring; and
    • A grant to the local National Interscholastic Cycling Association mountain bike racing team.

    Wells Fargo announced in May that it will give $400 million in cash to nonprofits in 2018. A big thank you to Wells Fargo for recognizing the Verde Valley Bikes for Kids community commitment.

  • 27 Aug 2018 11:05 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)
    • On August 27, 2018, VVCC Vice President Dan Blaettler and Treasurer Kevin Adams met with Tom O'Halleran, Member of Congress from the 1st District of Arizona and Chip Davis, Deputy District Director for Representative O'Halleran to brief them on the VVCC's activities. Tom Davis' VVCC roots run deep as he was involved with TRACs (a former Trails Advocacy organization) and with the VVCC's original founding over 15 years ago. Rep. O'Halleran's congressional district is larger than 36 States and he just finished a 14 day district tour. Representative O'Halleran serves on the House Agricultural Committee and he discussed upcoming actions that should have a positive impact with the Forest Service. Representative O'Halleran also committed to helping with any letters of support the VVCC may need on grant opportunities. 
  • 20 Aug 2018 11:21 AM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    July 1st began the VVCC's 16th year as a bicycle advocacy organization. In recognition of 15 years of improving the bicycling environment and quality of life in the region, we have been scouring the archives - thank you Daniel Paduchowski - to bring our past to the present. The below articles appeared in the January 13, 2006 edition of the Red Rock News and is reprinted below...

  • 14 Aug 2018 3:44 PM | Kevin Adams (Administrator)

    The VVCC recently provided a $33,333.33 grant to the Sedona Red Rock Trail Fund (SRRTF) to hire and train youth crews for construction, beginning in January 2019, of the Western Gateway Trail System. The Western Gateway is a planned 27 mile multi-use non-motorized trail system, accessible from an area known as the "Cultural Park" just west of the Sedona city limits and north of State Highway 89A.

     Earlier this year, the VVCC partnered with the SRRTF on a Matching Award Program (MAP) competitive grant opportunity offered by the National Forest Foundation (NFF). The NFF was chartered by Congress to enhance our nation's forests and grasslands. The SRRTF was the lead partner responsible for writing and submission of the grant request by the June 2018 deadline while the VVCC was responsible for raising the required $25,000 grant match. The SRRTF was recently notified that its NFF Grant application was successful.

     The SRRTF's grant application originally envisioned hiring one crew consisting of four youths participating in a program run by the American Conservation Experience (ACE) located in Flagstaff for twelve weeks. VVCC members and mountain bikers from 18 States and as far away as Alberta Canada overwhelming responded to the VVCC's various Western Gateway fundraising efforts. VVCC and SRRTF's fundraising was so successful, the SRRTF notified the NFF after award that the scope of work would increase by a third through the hiring of two, four person ACE crews for eight weeks each. The ACE crews are scheduled to begin work in early January 2019 and finish in early March 2019.

     The Red Rock Ranger District (RRRD) will be scheduling twelve Western Gateway volunteer trail work days sponsored by the SRRTF and REI Flagstaff between November 2018 and February 2019. REI will provide giveaways, refreshments and help increase volunteer turnout by announcing these workdays on the REI website and monthly email newsletter. The VVCC will be promoting these as well as all RRRD workdays this upcoming trail work season.

The VVCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded in 2003 (incorporated in March 2004) to promote road and mountain bike advocacy in, and around, the Verde Valley of Northern Arizona.




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