We recently ran into Brad and Mary Viereck at Hickory Smokehouse in Flagstaff.
Q. How long have you lived in the Village of Oak Creek?
A. One year.
Q. Where'd you live previously?
A. Hemet, CA.
Q. What did you do professionally before moving here?
A. Brad - I was a manager for Verizon.
Mary - I was an instructional aide for special education.
Q. When did you start mountain biking?
A. Both of us started in 2007, when we became "EMPTYNESTER'S".
Q. Where did you meet?
A. In a bar in Newport Beach.
Q. Is it true Mary that you were underage when you met Brad in a bar and knew it was forever?
A. Mary - I was not underage at that time. But we did realize that we went to the same bars when I was underage. He also worked on the payphones at my high school while I was there.
Q. How long have you two been married?
A. It will 37 years of bliss in March. And we don't go to bars very often.
Q. Why doesn't Brad use protection when he rides?
A. Mary - He's a slow learner.
Brad - Maybe next year.
Q. What did each of you expect to change with the other after you married but failed?
A. Brad - Not a thing.
Mary - Because he's a good listener.
Q. Which one of you is more likely to get serious about riding, skip deserts and eat quinoa?
A. Mary - Me, but he's the best "Bikeboy".
Q. What's on your bucket list?
A. Taking a year to travel with our bikes. We will see how many new trails we can find.
Q. Any parting words of wisdom you'd like to share with our three faithful readers?
A. Brad - Biking is the fountain of youth. Added benefit is meeting famous celebrities like, Marty Glinsky, and a guy with 2 wives.
Mary - Riding makes you feel like you're 12 years old, no matter what age you are. We have met some of the greatest people on the trails. We are not stopping.