We recently caught up with VVCC member Ron Rusk at Firecreek Coffee in the VOC.
Hi Ron, thanks for meeting with me how are you doing?
Couldn’t be better, good to be here.
How long have you called Sedona home? Where’d you move here from?
More than 10 years! We moved here from San Diego. My aunt and uncle used to winter in Cottonwood and we would come to visit. One year we ventured to Sedona and that was it. My wife said “we could live here, let’s look.” Within about a year we bought a house. We were part time residents and finally asked ourselves “why are we doing this for?” and went home that weekend, retired and moved here full time. Never looked back.
What is something nobody knows about you?
I don’t know. You’d have to ask Pat (VVCC member Pat Roberts) or my wife.
Why do you ride and how often do you ride?
I ride usually every other day with Pat, my coach. First because I need it as I’m addicted. If I don’t get out and ride, my wife will tell me to get out. Fortunately, I have the perfect coach. Pat constantly makes me ride better.
How long have you been a patroller?
I was the one who told Marty about mountain bike patrol. We had begun to ride together some and I said “Marty, I heard about this IMBA patrolling thing and think we ought to do this. Of course, Marty just took it and ran with it. I’ve been a patroller since it began here.
What’s the most interesting thing that happened to you while patrolling?
Long pause…the only thing I can think of is the time Marty and I came up on the llama. Marty had to get off and take pictures.

Rumor is you have two wives.
Would you like to comment about that?
I am in the enviable position to have a wife who understands and knows I need to get out and ride. And, I have a female riding partner who constantly coaches and encourages me to get out and be a better rider. Life does not get any better.
What would you like to leave us with?
I am in the best place in my life I’ve ever been. Both with my family, the friends I have here, the ability to get out and ride and the beauty of the area. I’ve died and gone to heaven. That’s where I’m at.