A big thanks to all that came for the VVCC Holiday Party, great friends, holiday cheer, prizes and BBQ.
The raffle raised $1,575.00. Thanks to members' generosity, raffle proceeds at our "free" events help ensure that 1) the VVCC is able to produce "free" events and 2) our sponsors and potential sponsors continue to support the VVCC by providing raffle items and free beer to entice members to consider their offering. Thank you to Bill Jackson, Hollywood Racks, Patti and Dennis Wyman, Trail Sports, Arizona Cardinals, Pittsburgh Steelers, Peter Hart, Paul Hallinan, REI, Lagunitas and all our sponsors in helping us produce these events. Details on how the VVCC uses raffle funds can be found on the Financial Information section on the VVCC's website.
John Ellis won the $50 Trail Sports Gift Certificate door prize and promptly handed it to his wife, Rebecca. Marty won the Camelbak donated by Paul. His wife, Lisa, was picking the raffle ticket winners since she conveniently showed up after raffle ticket sales were closed. Hmmm. More on this alleged scandal later. The TV grand prize winner, Chris Bolles, also won the Pittsburg Steelers Antonio Brown autographed photo and promptly sold it to Al Milavec for $25, more than recouping his $20 raffle ticket investment. Brad Vierek won the VVCC Gourd, hand painted by Peter Hart. Lauren Barnett won the Sonos Soundbar.
Patti won a Hollywood Racks bike rack at the VVCC fall picnic, gifted the rack back to the VVCC to use as a Holiday Party Prize, only to win it back at the Holiday Party. Thinking it was her lucky night, she graciously refused the prize. Then Lisa Glinsky picked Marty’s number three times before Heather Parris’ number was drawn. Sadly, Patti’s number was never drawn again. Will the VVCC Directors appoint a special counsel to investigate how Marty arranged for Lisa to keep picking his numbers?
In addition to the prize donors mentioned above, the second bike rack was donated by Hollywood Racks, the football was donated by the Arizona Cardinals, the AB autographed photo donated by the Pittsburgh Steelers, the $50 gift certificates were donated by Trail Sports, The Samsung TV and Sonos Sound bar donations were arranged by Bill Jackson and the beer was donated by Lagunitas Brewery. The VVCC provided the wine, water and Bigfoot Bar-B-Que. Raffle proceeds more than covered the VVCC’s expenses and the surplus will be available for mission purposes. See more pictures from the party here

Ride on!